
What has this world turned into? I’m not talking about global warming. I am talking about the people who will affect it. I’m talking about teenagers… If you are 30+ you will think of how you went to the grocery store the other day and looked around and you saw a bunch of teens on their phones. Or maybe not, maybe you think of what you were like when you were 13 and what 13 year old girls and guys look like today. Or maybe your thinking something totally different, I can’t put your words on paper but I can put mine on your screen. Being a 13 year old in 2020 and hanging out with mostly adults the first reaction I get from people after I talk with them and they figure out that I’m a teenager is that I’m not as dramatic as the other ones. Why are teenagers labeled as “dramatic” by older people? Older people are dramatic! They say that the music we listen to is too weird or just sounds like noise (isn't music suppose to be that way?). When really it has more meaning to it because rapping makes it have a lot more words. If you listen to an NF song for example this one is good this one is good it has so many words! Look at the lyrics! It tells a story. Now I don't like to listen to NF on a daily basis because his songs really weigh you down they are very "dense". He's bearing his soul, I can't be just working on something I have to focus on the song. Now not all new music is good but not all old music was good so we're even. Something that is totally different for old music that you have to be keeping up with trending news and apps. For example if you listen to Drake's song "War". The most moving line to me is "you spend way too much time on captions, not on action". If you're not up to date on what a caption is, it's for Instagram. Many people spend hours trying to come up with a good caption on Instagram that fits the picture and they don't spend time actually doing meaningful stuff.

If older people think that we are dramatic without even meeting us because they've heard in the news or they think that we curse all the time, why do they think that? Because one teen that they know did it, so all of them are that bad? I am here to tell you that every teen is different.

Not all of us have their phone glued to their hand! Some teens like school and enjoy going outside. Please do not judge all teens just by seeing one do something.


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