5 vegan foods that I've made!

I really want to go vegan but since my brain and whole body is still growing I don't want to risk that. I have been a vegetarian for 2 months but have cut way back on dairy and butter. I have been trying to implement more plant based meals into my lifestyle and it's gotten to the point where 1/3 of my meals and vegan!

1. Pasta

I used black bean soy pasta, sauteed onions and mushrooms with some tomatoes on top. It was good but not great. The pasta didn't really taste like anything, so it didn't contribute to the dish. I know that there are really good vegan pastas around but this one didn't do it for me.

2. Stir Fry

This was so good! It is super easy to make a stir fry vegan because they are usually oil based you just can't at pork, etc! This one had eggplant, green peppers, red peppers, tofu, some vegan meatballs, cabbage, cucumbers, mushrooms, onions and chayote. With some sriracha and sesame seeds on top.  Any vegetables that you have in your fridge or on the counter will be good chopped up and cooked in some oil with other vegetables.

3. Cookies

We went to a vegan festival a couple weeks ago and I was so looking forward to having a vegan chocolate chip cookie. We went up to the vendor in the late afternoon and they were all sold out. They did have chocolate chip cookies but they had CBD. Wooo. So decided to make some snickerdoodles that were vegan! The process was a lot longer but not harder. It used a lot of different ingriedients (such as aquafaba) but it was fun!

4. Curry

This stuff is so good! If you want to make it, click here! Now let me convince you to make it! This curry tastes like home. Even though I sadly did not grow up with a lot of authentic Indian food in my childhood it feels like comfort food. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside! This is great to do if you need something quick and you don't want whats in your fridge!

5. Scrambled Eggs

I would definitely make these for breakfast again! You can't just have the vegan eggs bey themselves you have to put it was something else, as you would regular eggs. I like some hot sauce and zucchini. This is great to put in sandwiches or just by it's self! All you do is crumble some tofu, mix it with turmeric (for the color) and a couple other things. If you want to make this you can click here!


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