Airbnb's night at the louvre, my application

800 characters about why I should stay a night in the Louvre. Airbnb has had multiple contests to stay in cool/odd places! For example, you could stay at a Taco Bell last year or Julia Childs house. A couple of days ago I found out that Airbnb was doing these contests and that the one that they are currently doing is a night at the Louvre (if you didn't already know by the title). So I thought it would be fun if I entered not expecting to win but if I do you will not hear me complaining! Here it is...
Image result for mona lisa awkward smile"
Hello Airbnb!

I don't really know what you guys meant by "Why would you be The Mona Lisa's perfect guests?" so I wrote a bunch of stuff and I hope I win the contest but if not, no problemo! Enjoy reading...

I have had the opportunity to travel to France with my family 3 times! I remember being so excited to go to the Louvre when I was 7. It was my first big trip and I was looking forward to going to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa and going to the Eiffel Tower. I read a bunch of books about the Mona Lisa and was fascinated by Leonardo da Vinci and shocked when he painted Lisa Gherardini and then took it with him. I thought it was strange but I put myself in his shoes and thought that if I worked on a painting for 3+ years and after 3 years realize that it was the best painting I've ever done and I had to give it away I would've taken it too. When I first walked into the room that the Mona Lisa was in I couldn't see her because there were so many tall people around! I went on my hands and knees and crawled up to the front. When I looked up my first thought was "Wow it's so small!" but then when you look at it closer (and I was already as close as I could get!) you see all the detail and how beautiful it is.

Why I would be Mona Lisa's perfect guest? I would be Mona Lisa's perfect guest because I would appreciate her and the museum. It would be an amazing experience that I would remember and cherish forever (and I'm not just saying that). There are tons of ways to spend 24 hours and this is the best way! I am a sketch artist so I truly enjoy looking at art. After drawing for a couple of months professionally I realized how hard it was to draw things on a small canvas and actually get detail. Now I think how hard it would be doing it with paint on a canvas and capturing that much detail. I know that there are lots of people entering this contest and some have never been to Paris before or even out of the state that they live in but I would love to have this experience (I know it sounds like I am a spoiled brat but I am a down to earth person that loves to travel).

Now this was back in April and I didn't win but a lovely couple did and I am so glad they did. Make sure you go on Airbnb every once and a while to see if they are running a contest, who knows, you could win a free trip to an Airbnb!


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