How to speak

You may know something someone needs to know. You may be shy and need to make friends. You might see something wrong going on and you could stop it if you had the guts, if you just...
Image result for happy yelling

I have been known not to say things when I should and say things when I really shouldn't. It's not even a gender thing, it's not knowing when to say something or what to say in a situation. I learned to talk when I was about 9 months and I've never stopped since! Saying the wrong thing is something that my dad is known for and he has sadly passed down that trait to moi. So here's how to say things when you want to but are worried it might be inappropriate, sexist or just no the wrong time.

1. Ask yourself why you want to say it
If you want to speak up ask yourself why. What could you contribute to the conversation? Are you trying to change the subject, share your opinion, argue with them, etc? Figure out which one and then go to step two! And it can be more than one you can be sharing your opinion and arguing!

2. How do you want the person to feel after you "speak up"
Do you want them to feel happy, understanding, mad, sad, guilty? If you're want to say something that will make someone mad why do you want to do it. Has the person emotionally hurt you before. Are you envious or jealous of them? Make sure you know why you want to say it and how the person might feel after you say it.

3. Decide if you want to go on the track that it's on or change it up
I don't know what your talking about and I probably never will so i'm just guessing. If you like where the conversation is going just roll with it and reply as you usually would. I know that i've learned a lot by just talking to tons of people and feeling out how they talk. Yes, there are different styles of talking (and i'm not talking about accents or languages!).

Thanks for reading, hope this hepled!


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