
Several months ago our neighbor asked us about getting a new fence in our backyard where we share fences. The fence that we have is slowly, you could say dying. We are planning on fixing up and selling our house in California and they thought it would be a good thing to bring up. We were trying to spend the least amount of money possible to get the house looking amazing and up on the market. Although the house won't be perfect when we're done it will look a lot better than when we started in December. After our neighbor left my Dad said that the most court cases per year are neighbors suing each other over fences. I've watched the I Love Lucy episode where they do business with friends and it's just horrible/really funny (because it's a comedy show). I had never heard of there being problems with neighbors wanting to get a nicer fence. So, here I am writing about it because I have no idea what it was till a couple of hours ago and I don't want to be sued by my neighbors! Here is what I've learned about neighbors and fences.
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There is now a whole page of rules about fences and neighbors on Google! The website goes into intricate detail on that the front of your yard should be 4 feet high and 6 feet tall in the backyard, but if your fence is made out of tree's or bushes the restricting range can be up to 5-8 feet. If you have a long line of trees in your backyard and don't have a fence between you and your fellow lovely neighbors you could be sued! If you buy a house and it has a pretty high fence and the fencing on the other side is a good height you can keep your fence. You do not have to cut off a couple feet with a chainsaw! Now, do you ever wonder who made all the fencing rules? The CC&R which stands for the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions.
the office yes GIF
 After reading all these things about fences I looked up how much a fence was and how much it is to have someone install it. Wow. I should start a fence installing company. For you to have a long line of wood or plastic between you and your neighbors it can be $6,000, 4,713.27 GBD, 8,424.60 Australian dollars, 403,110.13 Russian Ruble, 5,265.21 Euros or 116,532.11 Mexican Pesos! I know I didn't cover all of the kinds of currencies in the world but you can see how much a fence costs and how much it varies in different types of money currencies around the world! The average Mexican makes $843 per month, 10,116 per year. I know fences are a lot cheaper there but can you imagine coming from Mexico and buying a house and it's 2 times what you make in a year and having to furnish, get a new fence, move your family there and all the things you own! Now I know a lot more about fences and how much the average person who lives in Mexico in a year.


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