
Today's subject is pretty personal (for most women and sometimes men) we are talking about being raped...

This mostly happens to women. It happens most of the time at a young age. Why do guys do this to girls? And why are girls starting to speak up and tell the media what guys have done to them back in
college? If you read the stories of all the women that have been raped by male politicians or anyone where it happened in college it was usually at a very nice college. The guy was getting good grades and was a great student and then he went to a party. Sometimes the guy was drunk and sometimes they were sober. He straps the girl on a bed or he is able to hold her down by himself.
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 Then that night going forward they see each other on campus for a couple of years and then they graduate. If the guy is really drunk he may not have even realized what he did the next morning or he may never sexually harassed women but he was under the influence of alcohol. The thing is the girl always remembers. The guy or girl may only be only sexually harassing them for a minute or a couple of seconds but the damage that it does to a person's mind can last for decades. If the guy/girl was under the influence of alcohol and if you do the things that you would do but you're to scared to do when you're under the influence of alcohol... So many girls have been raped and have not told anyone. Not even their closest friends or parents! And when you have that bouncing around in your brain almost constantly you eventually think "Why would that person do that?" "(Insert person's name here) would never do that".
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 Now, this is not an article about why you shouldn't drink or have sex. This is what a 13-year-old knows from not being in public school and hearing and hearing and reading about what is happening in the world. One of the things I think about the most is how much do girls who still go to public school know? Are they scared of being raped while walking down a school hallway with no one in it? No, the popular ones usually have boyfriends or girlfriends and the thought doesn't even cross their mind. Do you know whats the same level of mental damage as being raped? Feeling pressured to send a picture of your boobs and butt to your boyfriend or a guy that you kinda like. Maybe he told you that he's going to tell all his guy friends that your frigid or that he won't like you if you don't send him pictures of your body that you're not comfortable showing. The girl thinks that there is no other choice but to send him some nudes and everything will be fine. He will like her and he won't tell his friends some "fake news" by telling them that she's frigid. But everything most of the time just gets worse.


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