Clothing is a huge part of my life. But since these past couple months of trying to become a minimalist, I have donated quite a few of my clothes. You could say that I was a mini hoarder. I wanted to get rid of all the things that didn’t fit me and the things I didn't love so that I wouldn’t become a mega hoarder. I still have a TON of clothes but about 90% less than I used to. The thing was that donating most of my clothes made me feel better. It did not make me feel like I had less options to choose from but made me realize that I was wearing the clothes that I loved and all the others were just sitting there. What a waste of space and life for the t-shirts, dresses, and pairs of shoes! They could be going to another person who would love them and the item would get a new life and a new owner who truly loved them. I know it sounds weird. You’re probably thinking “Wow, it sounds like her clothes have feelings”. I don’t think they have feelings but some clothes give me feelings. Such as: I feel good in this skirt or does it make me feel uncomfortable? Can I wear this t-shirt everyday, it makes me feel so confident! See the difference? All the little comments that you may not say out loud but you comment on the item. If you feel good in something and you will wear it keep it, vice versa think about if you want to have that item in your life. Most of the clothes that I had were from traveling and they had memories. I realized that I wanted to hold onto the memories by having something I could hold but I could look back at pictures and still have the same amount of joy. Figure out what you don't want in your life and what makes you truly happy!
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