How to go zero waste and not buy ANYTHING!

So many zero waste guru's talk about what places to go to and what things to get to be more eco- friendly. What if you just changed slightly and brought more stuff to the things that you do everyday. When I started going zero waste I felt like I had to become vegan and zero waste over night but none of those happened! I now have more knowledge about being zero waste and I'm a vegetarian! Yay me! To be zero waste you only have to be on of the 2 things. Zero waste. You can eat meat and there is NO shame in that. But there is some controversy about "zero waste". I know that it is always something that I am working up to and that it is not possibly to produce no waste at all. Ok, going onto how you can be zero waste and not change everything that you do...

1. Keep your tupperware containers in your car
If you're at a resturant and you have some extra food you can just run to the car and get it. I have a bag that I carry with my everywhere so that if something pops up, I'm prepared! You don't need to buy anything. Just go in your cabinet and get these things

Image result for tupperware
2. Put bags in your car
If you forget to bring your bags in the store just put all your groceries back into your cart. Take the cart with you to your car and put your groceries into your bags. They don't have to be made of cloth plastic is fine!

3. When you go to the deli ask for them to put it in your container
If it's meat, cheese or a dish that they are serving. At the grocery store that we go to they have it all in plastic but we get 95% less when we ask them to not put it in the plastic. We've even used the bags that we previously gotten so anything can be used.

4. Use everything you have
You may feel bad using plastic bags or saran wraps but it's worse to throw them away and buy new ones. Use what you have first and then look into purchasing some reusable ones.

5. Take pictures of business cards
If you want to go to an event or you go to a new place or want someone to do a service for you take a picture of their business card. It saves a tiny piece of paper but everything adds up. Plus you don't have to worry about loosing it because it's in your phone!


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