Why do songs make us so emotional?

Sometimes when I hear a song it hits me differently than others. It makes me sadder or it makes me feel really happy and I have to dance. Why do certain sounds make us feel things? Most of the time I listen to songs with words in them but a lot of people don't. They listen to jazz, classical, electro pop, etc. I think the reason it makes us happy or sad is because we have been reminded of a memory. Here are 10 songs that make me feel: sad, mad, happy, confident, sophisticated and casual (songs you can have on in the back round but still enjoy).

1. Happy
This song is just so upbeat. The song is all about your birthday and how fun it is! And it's a very relatable song.
Image result for birthday ann marie
2. Sad
Puff The Magic Dragon
When I was 7 my mom and I would go to the farmers market. There was a musician and he would always play Puff the Magic Dragon because it was my favorite song that he sung. Now several years later the song is so sad because I know what it means (when I was 7 I liked it because it was about a dragon). If you listen to the lyrics closely it's about a boy who has an imaginary dragon that he plays with. But when he gets older, he stops playing with his imagination and the Dragon is all alone because the boy is all grown up.

3. Casual
You should be sad
This is song covers so many genres. Country, Pop, Indie and Rock. It's almost like Old Town Road or Cradles. I love how artists are mixing so many genres together because so many more people will like it and people who usually listen to pop might venture over into country after hearing one of these songs.

4. Confident
Nice to Meet Ya
This song just makes you feel like a boss. If you're a woman or a man you will both feel powerful. So many people judge us without knowing our stories and you think "if they did they would respect me more" or they would think of me differently. Almost every Meghan Trainor song makes me feel confident except Like I'm Gonna Lose You.
Image result for nice to meet ya meghan trainor

5. Mad
Just A Girl
This talks about what men used to think of women (and what some still do). A lot of bands in the 90's weren't talking about this and we've only started talking about it. Since the Me Too movement there have been many more songs written about women not being treated properly. Sadly a lot of girls relate to this. At least people are realizing that it's not just them and others are realizing that it's even happening.

6. Sophisticated
Moonlight Sonata (3rd movement)
There's nothing like listen to classic music. It's a scientific fact that classical music helps you think better and faster. Now going forward when you listen to classical music does it make you think better and faster? Or does your mind think that it should feel that way? I have always loved this piece. I remember playing piano tiles when I was 10 and loving to play this song because it was so fast and it was so pretty to listen to.

If you want to listen to all these songs without having to click on all of them individually, you can listen to my playlist here!


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